COVID-19 Survey

As we begin to gradually wake up from our COVID-19 slumbers, it would be interesting to know how many of our classmates have been affected by the pandemic. Please help us out by taking this short survey. Your answers are confidential, but you will be able to see the grouped results.

If your situation changes, feel free to modify your answers to this survey when they do.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Are you now or have you been infected with the COVID-19 virus?

  Yes, I have had or now have the COVID-19 virus
  No, I have not had and do not now have the COVID-19 virus
  I'm not sure if I've had it or now have it.
2)   Do you have any family, friends, or other loved ones who now have or have had a COVID-19 infection?

  Not sure
3)   If you answered, "Yes" to the last question, please tell us the relationship you share with the infected person(s).

Significant Other, Brother, Sister, Good Friend, Neighbor, etc.
4)   Have you had your COVID vaccinations yet?

  Both (Pfizer or Moderna)
  One (Johnson & Johnson)
  One (Pfizer or Moderna)
  Not yet
  I'm not going to
5)   If you've been vaccinated, have you had side effects other than the typical ones of pain at the injection site, fever, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills and diarrhea? If so please describe them and specify which vaccine you received.

Don't forget to include any reactions to your booster.
6)   Have you had your booster shot?

Yes No
7)   If you've had your booster, did you get the same vaccine or different one. Please describe. (Also, if you've had a reaction, please update your response to question 5.