Help Us With Your Donations

Your committee is trying to keep reunion costs as low as possible.  We could use some help with venue deposits, table centerpieces, unforeseen expenses, and extension of our website subscription.  What we really need right now are donations that will allow us to invite retired faculty and coaches to be our guests at A Midsummer Knight's Dream There are about 7 of them still living in the Bay Area.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could invite each of them (plus a guest) as our guests?  Any funds left after this reunion, our last, will be used for a gift to the school from our class.

You can donate two ways: With PayPal or by mailing a check.

Donating with PayPal

The Donate button on the home page will take you to PayPal. If you have a PayPal account  you can use it to make the donation. Or if you don't have a PayPal account, you can use PayPal to donate with a credit card. (PayPal will deduct a 2.89% + $0.49 processing fee from your donation.)

Mailing a Check

If you don't want to use PayPal, you can mail us a check. To donate by check:

Please make the check payable to:   Joanne E Holland, class of '62 reunion
Write "donation" on the memo line of the check.
And mail the check to:
Joanne E Holland
Class of 1962 Reunion
PO Box 3231
Los Altos, CA 94024

Tax Disclaimer

Although we won't be making any profit from this venture, we are not an authorized charity. Therefore, any gifts you give will probably not be tax-deductible. Check with your tax advisor to be sure.

Please help us out by clicking the Donate button on the right side of the Home Page or mailing a check today.