Knights' Forum


Forum: COVID-19


Is Anyone Else Out There...

Created on: 05/14/20 08:42 AM Views: 1483 Replies: 1
Is Anyone Else Out There...
Posted Thursday, May 14, 2020 08:42 AM

This article was originally published in Announcements by Sharon Sforzini Grant on 4/17/20. It has been moved here to preserve it in our Forum.  --Mike Erickson anyone else out there?

A Message From Sharon Sforzini Grant

I mean REALLY out there like I am? a foreign country, sheltering in place, self-isolating and practicing social distancing, all the while hoping to have a shot at securing a safe, virus-free return to the states to rejoin family?

Back in February, just before I flew to the UK, the CDC listed this country “SAFE for TRAVEL!” ...kissed Steven GOODBYE, and off I went!

Upon arrival here, I learned this small village already had one COVID-19 case, with another case up the road, in the next village., I immediately started self-isolating here in my cottage. It’s already been 49 days. ...and counting, because...

...on advice from my asthma physician, I must extend my stay here for, at least, another seven weeks. ...for starters.

After all, how does one practice social distancing at, for example, Heathrow Airport with three terminals now closed and the rerouting of all passengers, jammed into the remaining two terminals?

Then, there are those 8+ hours, in a sealed aircraft for the return flight to the states. Even in 1st Class, social distancing is a non-starter...

Thankfully, Steven, our family and friends have kept in touch through letters, phone calls, emails and Zoom. far, all is well back home and here with my UK friends as well.

Steven pulled a surprise on me while I’ve been away. Just on a whim, he decided to shave his beard off. ...but...he wanted to wait to tell me until I got back to the states. Of course, now, who knows when that will happen, so I begged him to send me a selfie.

After decades of sporting that well-groomed beard, he just wanted to see exactly WHO/WHAT was behind all that facial hair!, no longer a “ Steven Spielberg” look-a-like! With just his mustache left, he now looks a bit like a mid-70ish Paul Newman.
...Who knew?!?

As all is well with family and friends, I will continue here, voluntarily obeying the health directives issued by this foreign, albeit English speaking, land, self-isolating in an English cottage, in the midst of a small English village in the heart of the Cotswolds. ...truth-be-told, I can’t complain. All of you are experiencing separation and distancing, just as I am.

To address this new “normal,” and typically / wonderfully British, on the evening of May 8th, this nation will hold a country-wide sing-a-long, organized by 103-year old Dame Vera Lynn, the singer of the WWII hit song “We’ll Meet Again.”

At precisely 9pm that evening, she and we all will open our windows wide and, in chorus, sing our hearts out into paths and lanes and the dark night sky...
“We’ll meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again
Some sunny day...

Now, we have all come to understand and share this burden of distance; so, dear friends, my wish for you and yours is to have continued good health and the promise of...
...meeting again...
...some sunny day...

All good thoughts and love to you all...

Sforzini Grant


RE: Is Anyone Else Out There...
Posted Thursday, May 21, 2020 01:36 PM


I finally located your amazing description of your confinement in the UK, but where are you exactly and how are you getting food? Do you see anyone at all other than Zoom? When do you expect to return? Take care, stay safe and keep in touch, Anne